The mother in the home
“ … a mother is like a pillar, for she is the central support of the home…”*
Marriage is a state freely chosen.
When children come, a great responsibility descends on the Christian mother and father: to form their children in such a way that they too can become children of God. He has no grandchildren, remember… one can only be a child of God.
We are barraged with an abstract discussion about women in society that has a certain built-in assumption: nothing of importance happens in the home, everything worthwhile, creative, and excellent happens outside the home. We are told there’s some injustice in pointing out that married women ought to prioritize home and family, that it’s… unfair.
“It is your task from the cradle to begin [your children’s] education in soul as well as in body; for if you do not educate them they will begin, for good or ill, to educate themselves.”*
There are some things that are bigger on the inside than on the outside. The home is one of those things, perhaps the one thing, and to the housewife, as she begins the adventure of nurturing her babies, is entrusted its singular importance.
*Quotes from the Allocution of Pope Pius XII to a concourse of women of Catholic Action and their helpers from all the dioceses of Italy, on the Feast of Christ the King
Woman bending over cradle
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and, if you like
My book on how to live with the Liturgical Year: The Little Oratory
The School for Housewives brings you short, practical, and thoughtful messages to inspire you to make your home. If you’re new here, go to the homepage for the previous Lessons; the categories are arranged in the menu bar at the top.
For the longer version:
As with everything here at the SFH, the best thing is for you to take my ideas, coming from my experience of 45 years of marriage and raising seven children, and apply them to your situation with discernment, prudence, and confidence — and a sense of humor!
We are called to different vocations. And whatever we do, we should do it to the glory of God. These pockets of reminders are encouraging and a God-sent.